FUE Hair Transplant Vs. Low Level Laser Therapy


Alopecia, or hair loss, can be temporary or permanent and can affect just your scalp or the entirety of your body.

It could be brought on by hereditary factors, hormonal changes, illnesses, or a natural aspect of aging. Even though anyone can lose hair on their head, men are more likely to do so.

Baldness often refers to a significant loss of scalp hair. The most frequent cause of baldness is hereditary hair loss as people age.

Some people would rather let their hair loss progress naturally without treatment or camouflage.

Others may disguise it with hats, scarves, makeup, or hairstyles. Others decide to use one of the treatments on offer to stop additional hair loss or encourage growth.

Consult your doctor about your hair loss's cause and treatment options prior to beginning any regimen.

Let’s have a quick comparison of FUE hair transplant in Dubai vs low level laser therapy.

FUE Hair Transplant


        Long-lasting and effective.

        You can observe organic hair growth after FUE hair transplant in Dubai.


        Multiple treatments can be required.

        Surgical technique.

        The surgeon's talent is essential to success.

        Price restraint.

Low Level Laser Therapy


        Simple to use.

        A lack of negative effects.


        Efficacy may differ from person to person.

        Said to stimulate the hair follicles that are already growing, but not replace those that have fallen out.


Experts advise using topical minoxidil, which comes in a number of over-the-counter forms, for mild alopecia areata.

Topical minoxidil solutions typically come in 2% and 5% concentrations. Once or twice a day, it is applied directly to the scalp or any other place that needs it.

It stimulates dormant hair follicles, increases blood flow to the hair follicles, and encourages hair growth.

The benefits include minimal cost, easy accessibility, and little side effects when used as instructed.

Topical minoxidil has drawbacks such as its failure to treat severe hair loss and, if used excessively, its link to weight gain, migraines, and irregular heartbeat.

How Your Doctor Will Diagnose It?

Before FUE hair transplant in Dubai, your doctor will likely conduct a physical examination. And inquire about your medical and family histories.

Also, question you about your food and hair care regimen before establishing a diagnosis. Additionally, you could undergo the following tests:

·         A blood test: This could assist in identifying medical issues that can result in hair loss.

·         Pulling test: To count the hairs that fall out, your doctor carefully removes a few dozen of them. This aids in identifying the process's stage of shedding.

·         Optical microscopy: Your doctor examines hairs that have been clipped at their bases using a specialized tool. Discovering potential hair shaft diseases with the aid of microscopy.

·         The scalp biopsy: To study the hair roots under a microscope, your doctor scrapes samples from the skin or from a few hairs pulled from the scalp. This can assist in determining whether hair loss is being caused by an infection.

For hair transplant Dubai, get help from professionals.


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